Friday, January 21, 2011

Odd or Interesting Things

From time to time, I'll be posting an Odd or Interesting Things which is really just another name for Thomas Sowell's "Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene"... Out of respect for him, I'm not ripping off his name for it, just the idea. 

Manchester's Board of Directors just approved a $60 Million sewer upgrade. Roughly $48 Million will be paid by an "Enterprise Fund" that is made up of money that residents paid in sewer fees.  To put that in perspective, $48 Million is more than what the town spent on school renovations in the last 10 years.  And it didn't need to go to a referendum because the "town" wasn't borrowing the money, the "Enterprise Fund" was.

People like to tailgate on the highways.  They like it so much that they'll tailgate me during a snow storm.  But they DON'T like it when the 2 feet of snow on my minivan roof starts to fly off and hit their windshield.  Problem solved.

Okay, so it's pretty clear that all of the news media except for Fox hates Sarah Palin.  So why do the rest of the media keep reporting on her?  If they just stopped reporting on her, she'd disappear.  So it stands to reason that while the rest of the media hate her, they get hung up on the fact that they LOVE to hate her. 

The punks who decided to turn Manchester High School into the WWE have screwed up their own lives, and the lives of so many others.  Consider that:
  • The high school principal has to find a new job
  • The superintendent has to now do her job AND his job
  • Any consideration of a bond referendum for Nathan Hale and/or Washington schools seems to be at a standstill, thus leaving those kids in schools that are falling apart.
  • Discipline for other students misbehaving will now be far more severe, and we'll lose some of those kids to the prison system as a result
  • More kids will opt out of Manchester High and into other magnet schools
  • Manchester residents have one less thing to be proud of now
How come I have no AWD or 4WD vehicles, nor have any of my vehicles been stuck in the snow, but during the blizzard, I had to dig out two of those because they were stuck in the snow?

Now that health care reform is passed, what will the Democrats campaign for?  Is there another entitlement program that we're missing? 

Can something be cool and creepy at the same time?  That Kevin Bacon commercial got me thinking about it.

Speaking of Kevin Bacon, it dawned on me the other day that if you loosely interpret the rules of "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" that I, personally, am 1 degree.  He and I were both interviewed by Matt Lauer on the Today show.  If that counts, that means that anyone I served with on the Board of Education is, by default, 2 degrees, as our meetings were televised on public access.  So there you go.

How much did we used to spend on "Communications"... well, we used to have a phone bill, and it was somewhere in the $30-$60 range depending on how much long distance you used.  TV was from an antenna and free.  There were no cellphone.  No Internet.  So now, I figure, for a family of 4, I spend close to $400 per month on communications... That includes cable tv, home phone, Internet access, 4 cellphones 2 with the Internet, all with voice and text.  I'll bet I spend more money on communications in a month than I do on food.

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