Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Entry!

I'll probably post a few entries tonight... but this will be the introduction. 

First off, let me say that I'm not a good blogger.  So far, I've been posting very sporadically, or more precisely, in machine gun bursts... I think about blogging, and then blog, post a lot of posts, and then leave it for months at a time.  This is not the way to kindle your interest, dear reader.  I realize that and hope to get better.

This new blog is a way to get at that problem.  My first blog, the oldest, was a blog about serving on a local Board of Education.  "A Conservative Grows In A Blue State" is the name, and the link is right over there if you want to check it out. 

Originally, this was supposed to be an anonymous blog - and it surpassed my wildest dreams - it was so anonymous, no one read it!

Well, now that my service is almost up, there it is for anyone to link to my name as it appears above in the title.  Anyway, it was specialized - topics regarding politics and education only.

My second blog, "Moose's N Scale" is newer but of the same type.  I've decided to start playing with trains - I had a vision of creating a completely automated layout... well anyway, if you are interested in all that, go read that blog.  The link is right over there!

Anyway, same deal - specialized.  Not a place to just put my random thoughts, or the stuff that consumes me today or this month.  It seems like everything I do, I rush through so I can do something else.  I'm trying to fix that, but in the end, my interests are wide and varied and I need a place to blog on them.  So this is my answer to that.  One blog to rule them all!

In here, I'll be posting the stuff that is too complicated for Facebook, and hopefully more interesting than "I got up this morning and took a dump" type stuff that ends up on Facebook.  I'll probably have a whole blog entry just on Facebook... Anyway, this is what it is here for - my random musings, things that strike me funny, or make me mad, or the latest saga - like buying a rental car from Hertz, which has been amusing the people I work with for almost a month now. 

That's enough staring at the belly button for now.  TTFN

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