Friday, September 25, 2015

Rantings and Ravings

So I have a few rants and raves to share... hope you enjoy!

The Pope:  The Pope seems like a good man, but frankly, I've had enough of his visit at this point.  All channels seem to have changed to "The Pope" channel, all the news is about the Pope, whether he is a lefty or righty, when he arrives, when he departs, what he said here and there.  I'm pooped!

Very soon is Back to the Future day.  October 21, 2015 is the date that Marty McFly goes into the future, and we get to see Robert Zemenkis' promises for the future.  So... where is my Hoverboard?  Where are my self tying sneakers?  And where is my damn FLYING CAR!  I want my flying car!  I was promised one from multiple people.  Robert!  Get me my flying car!

Donald Trump.  'Nuff said. 

Yesterday I found a bunch of deleted Hillary Clinton emails in the archive folder of my email client at work.  They were a good read.  You should see what she says about Bill behind his back!

Speaking of my work email client... I'm only allotted 5GB of space for my work emails.  That might sound like a lot, but I have lots of emails that are larger than 5MB... the biggest one is over 50MB.  So I have to spend a lot of time archiving old emails and deleting them from my client.  It is a total waste of time.  But here is the kicker... I'm currently using about 4GB of 15GB that Google gives me FOR FREE.  I've never deleted an email from my personal account because I never go above 20% used.  How is it I can get 15GB free, but work gives me one third of that space???

Why are we bringing back rotaries?  People don't know how to use them, are too shy in entering them, and they fail under load.

What's the deal with the new Col. Sanders?  First Darryl Hammond is him.  Then Norm MacDonald is him.  But he talks about being the REAL Colonel, but then fails the lie detector test.  Does that mean Darryl Hammond is the real Col. Sanders?  Even still... it's funny.

Why is it that Big Brother ends on the same day that Survivor starts?  Can I get at least a 2 week break from this nonsense... It's almost as bad as baseball.

That's it for now...