Friday, June 8, 2012

Odd or Interesting Things

  • There seems to be a push on to tax or ban sugary sodas.  The rationale is that they are bad for you and make you fat.  So Mayor Bloomberg wants to ban sodas larger than 16 ounces.  But lets face it, beer is bad for you too.  Perhaps we should outlaw pints of beer and only sell 12 ounce sizes?  Pitchers of beer should be outlawed to.  What would beer drinkers think of that?
  • High School Seniors have an entitlement never before articulated.  Had I known, I would have demanded much more during my senior year.
  • Wisconsin voters keep their governor.  The majority didn't think there should be a recall at all.  What to make of it all?  People think their votes should matter.  People will vote as many times as needed to explain that to those who don't like the result of the first election.
  • The numerical value 0.999... is EXACTLY EQUAL to 1.  Not close to one, not approaching one, exactly equal to one.  Here is the proof.
  • Headlines proclaim that women only make 77% of what men get paid.  Studies showing this don't correct for the fact that women take more time off from their careers to raise children, sometimes don't work at all outside the home, and choose professions that historically pay less than the ones men choose. Clearly, this shows that men hate women.
  • My computer was locked out this morning at work.  I called our helpdesk and I ended up asking them to do a password reset.  They ask me what my phone number is so they can call me and leave me a voicemail with the temporary password.  No... they can't just tell it to me.  I hang up.  My phone rings.  I don't answer it.  It goes to voicemail.  The message light comes on.  I check my voicemail and listen to the same guy I was talking to tell me the temporary password.  Anyway, it turns out that they have to put my password back to my old password, so they call me and ask me for it.  I pause and ask, "Is there a number I can call you at to leave it on your voicemail?"